The Birth of a Podcast-Turned-Blog
The Birth of a Podcast-Turned-Blog: A Journey of Courage, Questions, and Coffee-Fueled Late Nights
So, how do you start a blog? No, seriously, how do you start a blog? Because I have no clue. This was supposed to be a podcast—my big, bold leap into the world of storytelling, audio waves, and people nodding along in traffic. But somewhere along the way, courage packed its bags and left. I mean, really, who’d want to hear my voice month after month? (Spoiler alert: I’ve never even listened to a podcast.)
Still, I’m stubborn. So, I signed up for a podcasting class. Got the gear, the info, the pep talks. For a hot minute, I was all in. But then reality set in, and I realized I have an old flame: writing. I’ve always been better at putting my thoughts on paper than pushing them out of my vocal cords. And just like that, the podcast dream shifted—pivoted, if you will—into this blog. Welcome. Buckle up; it’s going to be a wild, wordy ride.
Where It All Began: Thanksgiving, Health, and That One Loaded Question
Let’s rewind to Thanksgiving last year. Picture this: I’m buried in medical issues that sucked up every ounce of my energy and left me with no time to think about much else. (To be clear, this wasn’t the cute, “Oh, I stubbed my toe” kind of medical drama. We’re talking serious stuff that demanded plans, decisions, and zero distractions.)
Once my health situation stabilized, I finally came up for air, only to realize I’d been ignoring a glaring problem: my relationship. Or maybe it wasn’t a problem—maybe it was just…gone?
Here’s the setup: I was in a long-term, long-distance relationship for seven years. Yes, seven. But during those health-filled months, my partner had gone radio silent. Like, tumbleweeds rolling through our text history. At first, I thought, Cool, I need space anyway. But then that space turned into weeks, then months, and before I knew it, the silence had settled in like an uninvited guest who refuses to leave.
Fast forward to me, sitting in my office, talking to a coworker, when I casually asked the question that lit the match: “So…am I single?”
The Question That Sparked an Existential Crisis
Am I single? I mean, technically, no one said the words. No break-up text, no teary phone call. But when your partner ghosts you for three months, doesn’t that kind of scream “single”? Naturally, I turned to my friends for advice because, of course, that’s what you do when you’re spiraling.
Cue the debate:
“Of course, you’re single! He hasn’t called you in months!”
“No, no, maybe he just needs space.”
As my friends took sides like this was some kind of relationship Super Bowl, I sat there, quietly spiraling. Meanwhile, in my head, a little voice chimed in:
“How much more space does he need? We were already miles apart! And right when we were supposed to build the life we talked about, he just vanished. Poof. Like he was never here to begin with.”
Ouch. That stung.
The Breakup That Wasn’t (But Totally Was)
I’d love to tell you I was super chill about this revelation. But nope. I sat in my feelings for what felt like forever. Seven years is a long time, okay? There are still days when the sting comes back, like when you accidentally listen to Adele after a glass of wine.
Eventually, though, the fog started to lift. The relationship was over. It had been over for a while—I just hadn’t wanted to admit it. And as my brain processed that gut punch, another thought crept in:
How many other people have been through this? How many conversations are we avoiding because they’re hard, messy, or downright uncomfortable?
The Podcast That Never Happened (But the Blog That Did)
That’s when the podcast idea was born. I wanted to create a space to talk about the things we avoid—those conversations we dodge because they might hurt, or because we’re scared of the answers. Things like:
Are we still in love, or are we just coasting?
Why is it so much easier to ghost someone than to say goodbye?
How do we move forward when life throws us curveballs?
The idea excited me. For about five minutes. Then, as you know, I chickened out and swapped the mic for my keyboard.
Why This Blog Exists
This blog isn’t just about my relationship drama. (Although, let’s be real, there’s plenty of that to unpack.) It’s about finding the courage to have the hard conversations, whether it’s with your partner, your friends, or yourself. It’s about rediscovering who you are after life knocks you down. And it’s about sharing the messy, raw, vulnerable parts of life that we don’t always talk about.
For me, writing has always been therapy. It’s how I process, reflect, and connect. This blog is my way of healing from a breakup I didn’t see coming and figuring out what’s next. Maybe, along the way, it’ll help someone else do the same.
What’s Next?
So, here we are. The podcast-that-never-was has officially become a blog. Will it be perfect? Nope. Will it be honest, messy, and a little funny? Absolutely.
If you’ve ever felt lost, confused, or like the universe is out to lunch when you need it most, welcome. You’re in good company. Let’s navigate this wild, unpredictable thing called life together—one blog post (and probably a lot of coffee) at a time.